At LIFE we are focused on equipping, inspiring and strengthening you to find your passion and live your dream. We believe that coaching is a great avenue to explore and gain support as you set and clarify your goals.
We believe in taking proactive measures towards having a meaningful, engaged and pleasant life. Accountability can be one of the best preventative measures for your wellbeing as you travel with those who have experienced a similar journey as you. Contact us if you are interested in participating or would like further details on our preventative, early intervention or self-development training. Visit our events page to register for all upcoming and ongoing events. |
SEMINARSIn seminars, we often scratch the surface of a topic and offer you the opportunity to gain knowledge for self-exploration.
WORKSHOPSWorkshops are a chance to dig deeper, learn skills / strategies /brainstorm towards gaining more self-awareness.
RETREATSRetreats are a time of self-care for you to rest, relax and refresh your body, mind and spirit.